Tuesday, March 03, 2009

hello again

Four years in and I'm ready to admit I'm too amused elsewhere to make regular entries here. So, if you're curious, please come check me out at:

Twitter - I'm devoted.

MySpace - I haven't made the leap to Facebook yet. I'm not convinced. So, this is as close as it gets for now.

LastFM - Way more important to me on a regular basis than you'd believe.

YouTube - I haven't posted anything yet. But I miiiight...

Yelp - When I love something, I really love it. When it's an epic fail, I'm going to tell EVERYBODY.

Amazon - If anybody wants to treat me to something nice.

Bloggers on the right are people I regularly visit and probably don't leave enough love for in comments. Check them out.

Links are sites and forums I frequent/visit occasionally/lurk. You can probably find me at most of then if you know how to look.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

hello blogger

So, I've signed up one of these myself. Not sure what I'll use this for yet.